No matter because it just so happens that I just completed a cherry pie painting this very month! And, I didn't even know it was National Pie Month until a couple of days ago!
This artwork is part of a small "glass" series I completed this winter. There are three paintings on three different types of glass plates. Glass is always a challenge but a fun one. In fact, I even like doing it! I always thought I wouldn't like it thinking it would be too tedious. But that is not the case at all.

This pie sits up proud and high on a tall glass plate. The background is textured with a soft yellow, a perfect back drop for the bluish glass and shadows. The pie filling drips over the sides of the pans. It is made with a gooey concoction of paints and syrup-y gels. The pie crust is a combination of thicker gels and modeling pastes to represent the stiff, baked crust. Color is dry brushed across the top for the "browning." The texture is very apparent in the close up (you can also double click on any photo for a larger view).
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