I've had great conversations with people over the last 2 summers. And there are common threads among them. I thought I would gather up many of the frequently asked questions I hear and answer them here. If you don't see your question, email me or post a comment with your question, and I will try to answer it. Here is one I hear a lot and it amuses me. I will post others as I think of them. Check the FAQs link (left) to see others (but this is the first one so wait a day or two so I can get more up here).
Why don't you weigh 300 pounds? Well, I don't actually have the pastry in front of me while I am working. Generally, I take photos of pastries when visiting restaurants, delis, cafes, specialty shops and, of course, bakeries. Sometimes I work from the photos or sometimes from memory or sometimes I just make them up.
When I do have the actual item in front of me, as with a commission, I take many reference photos of the pastry when it is fresh and moist so I have the best representation. Then I put the pastry in the freezer for safe keeping and later reference, if needed (and later eating).

I have tried painting a pastry while it is front of me -- but it is usually SOMEONE ELSE who comes along and snags a bite. I replaced a whole plate of cookies one time and had to redo the whole painting!