I accepted a challenge recently – take the textural style I have developed further. Push it to a different place. Today’s painting is the result, “Loaves.”

I used raw canvas as the major textural element, along with large brushstrokes and impasto paint. The raw canvas was cut or torn into appropriate shapes. That process left some loose strings and fraying that I decided to keep. The raw canvas shapes were adhered to the board and stuffed a bit to give them more depth. I painted on the raw canvas using a large brush. I dripped glazing on the rolls for “icing.” I like how the roughness of the canvas, raw edges and thick paint serves the subject. Plus, there is a more abstract feel. Let me know if you think this is a good direction to continue in.
Barbara Sistak Baur, Artist
P.S. I have done a couple of smaller paintings using this technique. Go to my Blog to see them. They should be just a one or two from the top. Or click the Bakery Art topic.
See You at the (Art) Fair!
I will be showing and selling my artwork this summer at some very lovely art festivals. What a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon. I hope to see you at the fair! All begin and end about 10 am to 5 pm.
June 28-29 - 29th Annual Fountain Square Art Festival, Evanston, IL, 1700 Sherman Ave.
July 12-13 -- Art Fair on the Square, Madison, WI, around the state capital building
July 20 -- Kenosha Art Fair, Kenosha, WI, Library Park, 60th St & 8th Ave.
August 16-17 -- Long Grove Art Festival, Long Grove, IL, (tentative)
Sept 6-7 -- West End Art Festival, La Grange, IL, on Burlington Ave. between Brainard and Spring Aves.
Sept 26-27 -- Art in the Barn, Barrington, IL, on the grounds of Good Shepherd Hospital, 450 W. Rt. 22
Now Online
Fruit Cookie, Café Table, Shaved Chocolate and Berries, Sweet Bun, Sticky Buns—fresh from the easel!
On the Easel
Flamingos!! Remember the library tables? Well, I am doing a Flamingo table. Who doesn’t just love flamingos? If you haven’t seen the library tables, click the Library Tables topic on my blog.
Feedback and Correspondence
-- Always welcome. If you have comments or there is something you would like to see in Art Friends, please let me know.
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Art Friends and all images are ©2008 Barbara Sistak Baur and all rights are reserved. If you wish to copy this material to other publications or mail lists, great!! Just let me know so I can give you permission. Thanks for your respect.
Barbara Baur Art
Lively, Textural, Vibrant
3405 Highland Dr.
Island Lake IL 60042
2944 S. Harlem #4
Riverside IL 60546
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